Muddy boots, damp coats, even soggy dogs; all things which can play havoc with your car’s interior, making it a less appealing space and even affecting its value over time.
But if you take the right precautions there are ways to minimize the effect of winter weather on your vehicle and the damage it can cause in the long-term, making it a much more inviting space for you and your family.
So here are five precautions you can take before the bad weather takes hold so there are no nasty surprises by the time spring comes around.
Care for your Carpets
Once carpet becomes damp it can be very difficult to clean it again and as for the smell, that can stay around for months if not years, so the key is to prevent moisture from getting in, in the first place.
Make sure your carpet is completely dry before removing and loose dirt or debris by using a vacuum cleaner and then apply a specialist carpet shampoo to disperse ground-in stains and unwanted odours.
For a little added protection and to save extra work you could always invest in quality mats for the footwells of your car that can easily be washed or replaced.
Keep Plastic Pristine
It isn’t just carpets and upholstery that are prone to the perils of winter weather and plastic panels and trim around the door frame can quickly get covered in mud and dirt.
Then there are things like dashboard display, center console and steering wheel, not to mention the gear lever, which will quickly collect dirt due to their frequency of use, so a simple wipe clean can quickly prevent an untidy interior.
What’s more, these can also be a haven for cold germs and bacteria so it’s wise to keep these areas clean and dirt free all year round to help prevent the spreading of infection and diseases.
Upkeep of Upholstery
The seats in your car are often the first to be subjected to grime and moisture in winter weather as wet coats and damp jeans deposit their dirtiness right where you’ll be sitting for the duration of your journey.

While seats are pretty durable and will dry on their own, you should treat and clean them beforehand with Upholstery & Carpet Cleaner to avoid water and salt marks, and unpleasant odours over time.
Alternatively, you could look to use seat protector covers, which are usually made from durable fabrics such as Laminated Cotton or Polyurethane Laminate meaning you won’t have to worry about getting into your car wearing wet or dirty clothes as they can easily be wiped clean.
Ensure Glass is Gleaming
Condensation can be a common occurrence when driving in the winter and as well as slightly annoying can also be dangerous as your view of the road ahead can be severely obstructed as the windshield becomes smeared.
Low winter sun can also dazzle motorists when shining through dirty glass so you need to be sure that all of your windows are free from streaks and residue and you can do this by keeping a demister pad handy to absorb excess moisture and condensation, while cleaning the windows on a weekly basis is probably worthwhile in winter.
Love your Leather
Leather is great when it comes to car seats as it is durable, hard-wearing and naturally waterproof, but only if it is kept in good condition – something which many motorists conveniently forget.
This is particularly prevalent in winter as cold temperatures can pull moisture from the leather, causing it to dry out and look tired so maintain your leather upholstery at all times is key when it comes to combating wear and tear.
Anything from disposable wipes that keep leather looking lovely to oils that restore its nourishing natural oils can be used on car seats meaning you can enjoy a dirt and odur-free journey for years to come.